Selamat Jalan to Brunei…..

Rafa and Eva saying goodbye
“So, I wonder what new adventures we’re going to have now?….”

Over dinner, when I asked Rafa and Eva what they will miss about Brunei they both said, “decorating the house with Christmas decorations”.  Apart from being a completely inappropriate answer for the best thing about living in a Muslim country, they only said it because we’d JUST finished decorating!   However, when prompted further, they both came up with the idea that it is playing with their friends which they will miss the most.

Even as a grown-up, I have to agree.  While living in Brunei we’ve experienced; real jungle walking (well Nev has – once), monkeys in the garden (lots), swimming surrounded by glorious palm trees (lots), mozzie bites (lots), hi-teas, traffic jams, hair-raising boarder crossings to get booze (or was it to eat prawns?), RPM classes (me), tennis lessons with Brunei’s #1 tennis star (Nev) inattentive sales staff (sorry ma’am, don’t have), teaching in 40 degree heat with no aircon, fantastic schooling for Rafa and Eva,  and we’ve each eaten 500kg of chicken and rice.   But despite all of these wonderful experiences, the best thing about Brunei has been the people we’ve met while being here. These friendships have been forged through crazy fun times, family times and through coming together to support each other in times of stress or crisis.

I write this post on our last night in Brunei feeling ready for our new adventure but with sadness in my heart at leaving so many special people behind.  Selamat jalan Brunei buddies.  Until we meet again. xxxx

My Bruneian kids

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6 thoughts on “Selamat Jalan to Brunei…..

  1. Julie Paterson says:

    Will look forward to more postings as you continue your family adventures. Have a safe trip and love to you all. Julie xx

    • Carole says:

      Thanks Julie! I knew you’d be stoked that I’m blogging! I remember you trying to teach me about it years ago! xxxx

      • Victoria Abbs says:

        Truly marvellous to see your first blog. Will be keeping up with your adventures – and will hopefully be able to comment and keep you posted about our Brunei events!
        Good luck with your travels – enjoy the freedom and the family time.
        We’ll miss you – but you’re only a blog away!
        Lots of love
        The Abbs 4

        • Carole says:

          Thanks Vic! A big thanks to Andrew for our final ride. At airport now waiting…..going to be a looong journey. Look forward to seeing you on FB!!! Enjoy your snowy Christmas in Singapore!!! xxxx

  2. Stef says:

    So pleased that you decided to Blog! Will be lovely to read what you’re up to and see where your adventures take you. Good luck. x