School Abroad!

It would probably be fine to do this traveling stint for a year without formally educating Rafa and Eva, but I don’t think any ‘teacher parent’ could spend a year not teaching SOMEONE! So for parts of the day I’m “Mrs Mama”.

Picking and counting daisies to make a daisy chain

I’m only really purposefully covering Reading, writing and maths – the rest cover themselves with the incidentals our day brings.

Picnics with pizza of course!

Eva training the cat to go through Rafa's legs. Its reward was bread. Mmmm.

A stroll

Who needs plastic counters when we can collect our own olive counters!

Eva counting the olives to match the numbers

Rafa learning ways to make 10 - with olives

The kids made groups of 10, then counted in 10's to get 100 olives!

Each day we write a diary story of what we’ve seen on our walks or of we’ve been up to.  Rafa then writes his own story or a letter to someone and Eva practices her letters (if she feels like it!).

A serious writer!

They still need incentives!

The challenges?  Well, I have a year one class and a Kindy class…and I’m not a kindy teacher! The differences that I have instantly noticed (and have learned from) are that Eva will only sit for a few minutes and then she wants to do her own thing – and fair enough!  I need to ‘teach’ Eva without her knowing! And, that Rafa  enjoys doing whatever he is learning to do, to but enjoys the familiarity of a school style routine.  So, I’m learning to cater for two VERY different little people – and I’m loving it!  If you have any ideas – let me know!

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3 thoughts on “School Abroad!

  1. Julie Paterson says:

    Sounds like are doing some marvellous developmental teaching with some structure thrown in to tie the day together. Rafa will have his own blog soon. 😉

  2. Claire Walker says:

    I think you’re doing a great job! And you’re right at that age (Eva) the attention span is very short, in kindy here everything is play based learning.. and that is what she wants to do too! I can pass you a play dough recipe if you would like/don’t have one. Also a good web-site for resources is

    Having fun is the main thing, and it looks like you are !!

    Best wishes,
    Claire x

  3. Kristi says:

    Hey you guys, Looks like an amazing adventure already. And a very valuable education in your day’s adventures. Thinking of you guys always, Kristi